Thursday 29 September 2016

The mighty Patagonia

The life of the every day student can be very stressing a predicible. Fighting to wake up every morning (the eternal battle against the pillow, almost always a defeat), struggling with the every day routine, from the jam on the traffic, the bus rides, the marching street, to the chain of courses one after other all the week, the pile of lectures, bigger and bigger every day,the almighty clockwork machnine the college and society means. But there is a sacred time when the chains are borken and the slav... sorry, student are released from their sisyphean life, to forget fot a while their imprisonment to the stablishment.

 The holy summer vacations. A time where time is broken, an a new era beggins, where there are no traffic, no jam, no task, no nothing, where man get face to face with himself.

For the ocassion, it is common for the youth to embark on a journey to the most diverse region of the country, from the sunny desert north, to the magic south and the patagonia, they travel trough the regions in extreme conditions, hich-hiking rides, joining truck drivers needed of company for cross the lonely higway. They go into the wild to discover the misterys and the beuty of nature, going where few men had going, in a journey to proove themself as men and women able to face nature and find their natural spirit, dormant under layers of routine and society.

One of the most beautyful destination, a common pick betwen the youth is the Patagonia, at tha Austral Highway. A place where nature shows itsefl in indomitable greatness, plenty of forest an mountains crowned by snow and glaciers.
The few remains of human civilization are shy little towns, one every one hundred kilometer of higway, of tough people who can keep up whit the tough lifestyle the patagonia demands to those who dare to walk trough its domains.


  1. I think that if I go someday to the Patagonia, I will go alone. The way you described it makes me think that it would be an awesome experience to go on a journey all by myself there.

  2. Amazing shot. did you take it?
